Wendland’s one-arm loco-tacos on cheese & buttermilk waffles.

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I loooooove tacos! and recently my son turned me on to a panini press that now I am in love with AND it came with waffle plates/inserts, so of course, now I am waffling the crap out of everything in sight. So yesterday I decided to combine my two loves and I came up with “Wendland’s one-arm crazy, loco tacos on cheese & buttermilk waffles”.

As a side note on the panini press… I now have a running list of what NOT to put in the panini press. So you have been warned!

From an operational perspective let me get some things out in the open, I don’t cook normally, I use “whatever is in the fridge” I love to experiment, I rarely measure anything, I like to drink and cook and so not everything comes out as planned and most often than not my best dishes are mistakes. Hopefully, from now on I can record the delicious mistakes and make them again!

So here goes - these are the steps to make this wonderful concoction - manage hotness to taste


Add to a hot pan on high heat:

4 tablespoons of minced garlic

Drench in olive oil

1 chopped onion

1 chopped red pepper

Stir and cook until onions have color

Salt and pepper to taste

Add 3/4 of a Modello Especial beer - drink the rest of it for medicinal purposes

Reduce until most of the beer is gone

Add 1 pound of ground buffalo or beef or turkey meat, then add:

1 box of brown chopped mushrooms

2 bunches of scallions chopped

Stir and brown the meat well

Reduce heat to medium, then add

1 can of drained black beans

1 can of drained red beans

2 handfuls of cilantro cut fine

1 jar of salsa

Salt and pepper to taste again

5 sprinkles of paprika

5 sprinkles of chili powder

In the now-empty salsa jar, mix 1 pack of taco seasoning mix (or however you do taco seasoning - make it spicy) and 1/2 Modello Especial beer - drink the rest of it for medicinal purposes. Put the top back in the jar and give it a good shake to mix. Pour magic sauce into the pot with the meat and vegetables.

Set heat to medium-high, and let the goodies cook, stirring occasionally so as not to burn the bottom and keep doing this until you reduce the liquids to taste.

Turn heat off and let rest.


In a large bowl mix:

2 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups of buttermilk

4 teaspoons of baking powder

One 1/4 teaspoon of salt

2 eggs

1 melted stick of salted butter

4 cups of shredded Mexican cheese blend

Stir gently and fold the cheese in the batter mix, Add as much buttermilk as necessary until you get the consistency of pancake mix - this took a lot more buttermilk than I anticipated. With a scooper add the mixture to the waffle iron. I noticed that the waffles took 2-3 times longer to cook than normal, and you wanna make sure they are well done.


You can pice these together as you wish, here is what I did:

Lie 2 waffles on a large plate

Add fresh sliced avocado to the top of both waffles

Stripe all with lots of Sriracha sauce

Then spread the taco meat liberally on top of that

To make the avocado sauce add to the mixer:

2 avocados

lemon juice

salt & pepper

as much buttermilk as desired for running and consistency

Add avocado sauce to the top of the taco meat. Sprinkle thinly sliced cilantro.

Serve with beer and a shot of good tequila.


How I paint, crop, show, sell & ship my canvases.