Eat, Drink & Paint

Embark on a sensorial journey with my "Eat, Drink & Paint" series, an avant-garde fusion of culinary delights, spirited libations, and collaborative artistry. Within the welcoming embrace of my abode, this series is birthed from a unique ritual where the canvas becomes a confluence of creative minds.

Each session is a celebration, beginning with the crafting and savoring of a sumptuous feast, a homage to the art of gastronomy. As flavors dance on our palates, we uncork the essence of conviviality with an abundance of wine, each sip unlocking deeper wells of creativity and camaraderie.

Then, with spirits high and hearts open, we approach the canvas, not as solitary artists but as collaborators in a symphony of strokes. Here, in this shared space of expression, our brushes dance, intertwine, and sometimes even playfully clash. The rule is that there are no rules – a brushstroke by one can be transformed by another, in a spontaneous, living dialogue of paint and passion.

The objective? To co-create a painting that is not just a blend of colors and forms but a harmonious testament to the union of artistic spirits. Each piece in this series is a rare ensemble work, a canvas kissed by the creativity of not one, but two artists.

This series is more than just art; it's an experience, a memory solidified in pigment and canvas. Owning one of these paintings means possessing a slice of this artistic alchemy, a moment where food, wine, and art converge into something transcendent and wholly unique.

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How I paint, crop, show, sell & ship my canvases