Forest On Paper

"Forest On Paper" is an artistic sojourn into the uncharted territories of my creative psyche. This collection stands as a bold departure from my usual canvas, venturing instead into the intimate and intricate world of paper. Each piece in this series is a delicate abstraction of woods and forests, encapsulating their essence in a format more petite yet profoundly expressive.

In these works, I've embraced a melange of media and techniques that were once strangers to my artistic hands. This exploration beyond the familiar boundaries of my comfort zone has been both a challenge and a revelation. It's in the layering of unfamiliar effects and the delicate dance of diverse mediums that "Forest On Paper" has become a crucible of redefinition and evolution for my artistry.

These paper creations have woven their way into the fabric of my larger works, infusing new life and perspectives into my acclaimed "Il Mio Bosco" and "Cityscape" collections. Additionally, they have found a harmonious existence as complementary elements in a photo-collage series, a venture that was both showcased and found its home in the hearts of admirers at the Wendland Gallery in Ascona, Switzerland.

"Forest On Paper" is more than a series; it's a gateway for art enthusiasts to embark on their own collection journey. These works offer an accessible path to owning a piece of my artistic evolution, a testament to the ever-changing landscape of art. Soon, you will see more of this transformative series, where each piece is a window into the forests of my imagination, rendered with a delicate yet daring touch on paper.